Sponsor an institution

Sponsor an institution
Q&A session on how to properly care for the MS-MZ water filter at Kokwa Island Lake Baringo.

Have you come across a children's home or a school that has no access to clean drinking water? Would you like to contribute to this noble cause by donating just half the total amount of the MZ-MS water filter and helping them get access to clean safe drinking water?

Thank you for your interest in supporting families and communities across Kenya. Dirty water remains the biggest cause of childhood mortality and death in developing countries but with your help, we can deliver Family Water Filter and MS-MZ gravity fed water filters to those who are in desperate need of safe drinking water in Kenya.

You can sponsor a school, a village or a family by financially supporting our work. For only Ksh 7,000 you can provide safe drinking water to a home of approximately 20 people and at Ksh 300,000 you can provide safe drinking water to 300 people either in school or village.

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